The personal decisions you are making are now more important than ever. Social distancing is the new normal. If you are a mother, in the corporate world or neither, information you can use is important. Whatever your situation saving money is important too.
A few smart moves can up-grade your life from economy class to first class
Six Points on Working from Home
If you are a mother or in the corporate world, working from home has been the normal.
Before the lock-down, the US Census Bureau estimated that over 8 million people worked from home (5% of the regular workforce). The lock-down will affect 158 million people.
If you are an employee or employer here are important points you can use to make a positive discussion:
- Employees who work from home save over $4,000 each year. Yes, the paycheck goes further. Simply, think of all the costs from parking, petrol, clothing involved in showing up to an office every day.
- Employees who work from home are more productive. 66% of mangers and 86% of employees say they’re most productive without office distractions like inefficient meetings, office gossip, or loud office spaces.
- Employees who work from home have lower stress levels. In some positions people working out of the office may have 80% higher moral than those in the office.
- Employees who work from home have lower absentee rate. In some cases the absenteeism is 69% lower! Perhaps higher moral and lower stress have significant impact on absenteeism.
- Employees who work from home have lower turnover rates. A Stanford University study, employers who offered a work from home option had employee turnover rates fall by over 50%. Interestingly, working from home benefits were the most important to the highly educated young job seekers.
- Working from home is gender positive. The number men and women working from home is almost equal. 52% of all home office employees are female (compared to their 48% of the entire workforce in the United States). This statistic de-bunks the theory that more females work from home when they become mothers.
Working Outside the Home on Lockdown
In the U.S. millions of people turn to online deliveries at an unprecedented pace as Americans continue to reorient their lives to limit the spread of the new coronavirus.
Fulfillment centers, transportation and delivery workers are being paid higher wages reflecting the demand for labor in these areas.
Public health experts said the odds were relatively low that ill warehouse workers or truck drivers would infect the recipients of packages, in part because the virus does not survive on cardboard surfaces for very long.
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that coronavirus could be detected up to four hours on copper surfaces, up to 24 hours on cardboard and as long as three days on plastic and stainless steel, but doesn’t travel well in the mail!
But many package handlers are compelled to work in crowed warehouses because they have no savings, and many have families to support.
Logistic firms are substantially increased cleaning and disinfecting surfaces throughout their facilities, and vehicles and equipment are, as a policy, disinfected every day.
Masks are being made available to drivers who made deliveries to health care and assisted-living facilities, and bottles of hand sanitizer are being made available.
Use masks, sanitizer and keep your distance from everyone.
Some firms are offering paid time off to get tested and are adjusting their policies as the virus progresses.
Your wellness is top priority. If you go to work or stay at home be smart. Below is some information to up-grade your life at home.
Five Suggestions for Exercise on Lockdown
You either love it or hate it, but maintaining muscles tone is the smart move.
Exercising will strengthen your immune system, improve your mental health, and make you feel better about yourself during this frightening time.
Plus, challenging yourself and achieving physical goals will give you something to work towards and stimulate your mind as well as your muscles.
- Go for a walk. It’s OK to go for a walk as long as you keep more than six feet from other animals and you only go once a day.
- Dance. No matter your age, its wonderful to play your favorite music at home and dance to it. No one is watching so, let go and have fun.
- Clean. Now more than ever its important to keep everything at home clean; dusting, washing and scrubbing – think of the squats, lunges and heel lifts you do when cleaning. It is possible to burn up to 190 calories scrubbing away at direct and grime. Mix in a bit of dance, and you can have some real fun.
- Garden: Get some fresh air and create something pretty! All that moving around, watering, weeding and picking up debris is a great way to tone your arms, shoulders and rear-end. Studies indicate that simply pushing a mower can burn up 280 calories an hour.
- Kegel. Women intuitively know he pelvic floor muscles play a critical role in childbirth and sex. Good pelvic floor muscles tone can lessen lower back pain and help manage organ prolapse because the pelvic floor muscles play an essential role in the dynamic stability of the musculoskeletal structure (read more in the next section). The why and how of maintaining good pelvic floor muscle tone for women of all ages is recently featured on ABC’s Good Morning America. For more on improving feminine performance listen to Sex with Emely while gardening, cleaning or doing your Kegels.
Upgrade Your Private Life on Lock-Down
Kegels (pronounced: Kay-gils) are pelvic floor exercises named for Dr. Kegel. Kegels are a series of muscle contractions and rest times to tone a woman’s pelvic floor muscles; respirating the muscles and moving the organs back to their natural position to treat the urinary leaks.
Pelvic floor muscle tone became synonymous with intimacy because Dr. Kegel observed, “feminine feeling within the vagina is closely related to muscle tone, and can be improved through muscle education and resistive exercise.”
While the female is not intromission (i.e., intercourse) specific nor a direct outcome of muscle stimulation, numerous studies have confirmed that pelvic floor muscle tone can improve feminine performance and expression.
The muscles of the pelvic floor hold and directly support a woman’s organs including the bladder, uterus, bowel and intestines.
If the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken and can no longer hold the organs in their natural postural position, the organs shift, which places pressure on the bladder and results in what is commonly known as stress urinary incontinence.
Muscle without tone can cramp causing urge incontinence. When urge and stress incontinence happen together, it is called mixed incontinence.
Proper muscle tone from Yarlap® re-positions your visceral organs to where they should be and the work-rest action of Yarlap® energizes your muscles so they don’t spasm.
Certain life choices such as inactivity, heavy lifting and chronic repetitive motion – as many women would experience working in a warehouse – contribute to the risk for lower back pain and urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary voiding of urine.
As many as one in two (50%) of American women will experience urinary leaks in their life. In addition to the physical discomfort a woman may experience embarrassment, low self-esteem and cost to treat the symptom (e.g., diapers).
Yarlap® Saves You Money & Saves the Environment
An diaper buying adult will spend $1000 per year on diapers. Plus, an adult diaper wearer will spend an additional $1,200 per year on dry cleaning to treat stained clothing and fouled furniture.
That’s not counting the environmental impact of diapers.
Annually, 7 percent of all landfills in the US – 17.5 million tons of garbage – are adult diapers. That’s 3 times more than baby diapers!
How does Yarlap® with AutoKegel® Work
Yarlap® with AutoKegel® treats the cause much like your physician suggests using Kegels to tone the muscles of your pelvic floor.
But, Yarlap® does the Kegel work-out for you!
Yarlap® tells your muscles how to work-and rest for safe and effective muscle tone. Hence the Yarlap® trademark, “AutoKegel® .” Simply, “In, On, Select the best program for you. then select the best comfort level”. It automatic! It’s FDA-Cleared. Its award winning.
Yarlap® is designed by an American company. Yarlap® is made in England.